The current technological developments and the increasing willingness of people to be involved in making decisions about their health or disease, have been paving the way for advances in the area of individualised healthcare.
The uncertainty and complexity within this area require smart solutions and systems, which are capable to interpret context-specific information concerning the patient and his/her environment.
In this special track, we seek high quality contributions and innovations in the interdisciplinary area of smart healthcare technologies. The track is an integral part of the 26th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2013), held at the Univeristy of Porto, Portugal on 20-22 June 2013.
For more information about this track, please contact one of the organisers.
Marina Velikova & Peter Lucas Faculty of Science Radboud University Nijmegen P.O. Box 9010 6500GL Nijmegen The Netherlands Telephone: +31 24 3652 104/611 Fax: +31 24 3653366 marinav@cs.ru.nl peterl@cs.ru.nl |
Femida Gwadry-Sridhar Health Informatics Lawson Health Research Institute 801 Commissioners Rd., Suite B3041 London, Ontario N6C 5J1 Canada Telephone: +1 519 685 8500 Fax: +1 519 667 6629 Femida.GwadrySridhar@lhsc.on.ca |
Inês Dutra Dept. of Computer Science University of Porto Rua Campo Alegre 1021/1055 Porto 4169-007 Portugal Telephone: ++351 220 402 947 Fax: +351 220 402 950 ines@dcc.fc.up.pt |